Course Content
Financial Accounting 1
AIM OF THE COURSEAn introductory course aimed at introducing students to the basic principles of Accounting. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to Accounting aspects, it relates theory with practice. The course begins with an introduction to Financial Accounting and the theoretical basis of Accounting, followed by Financial Statements of unincorporated business entities.COURSEWORK: The course assessment shall consist of two Assignments, details of which shall be availed to students during the learning block. Coursework contributes 30% of the final mark while final examination contributes 70% of the final mark. Students are particularly advised to do their assignments as there is no provisions for special treatment.CODE: CLM 7 STUDY DURATION: 100 HOURS CREDIT: 10 UNIT 1: THE ACCOUNTING SYSTEM Unit study duration: 20 hours Credits: 2
Introduction to Law
11.1.1. PURPOSE Equip learners with introductory knowledge of the legal profession the application of its concepts and the complementary role it plays in understanding the legal environment of business.11.1.2. LEARNING OUTCOMES Learners are equipped with an appreciation of the concept of law, its sources, structure and operation
Introduction to Psychology
Purpose: To equip students with basic knowledge of psychology, its concepts, theories and principles more so its use in understanding human behaviour11:22 Learning Outcomes Learners should be able to define psychology as a discipline Learners should be able to comprehend, compare, and contrast and also make assessments of the application of principles to loss management
Business Administration
Business Administration is a basic course designed for high-intermediate students of business who wish to improve and gain access to knowledge about business management skills. The course focuses on the introduction to various business domains and familiarises students with the finer points of business etiquette and business correspondence.Course requirements 1. Students are required to attend ALL lectures. 2. Tutorials are COMPULSORY 3. Each student must make at least one seminar presentation during the semester. 4. Each student is expected to submit at least one typewritten assignment and tics will be assigned in class by the lecturer. 5. There will be one written final examination paper of two hours duration which will be written at the end of the semester. 6. To receive a final grade each student has to receive a score in each of the following: Assignments, tests and exercises 30% Final examination 70% 7. Late assignments will not be accepted unless there are extenuating circumstances and the student has received the lecturer's approval.
Business Communication
PREAMBLE The module focuses on effective business communication skills so as to maintain effective workflow in organisations. It intends to provide students with some elementary understanding of how communication is done and how to address different situations. Business communication is goal-oriented and must be understood by all members of an organisation. It also allows executives to communicate rules policies and procedures to other employees or clients clearly and concisely. Different models and types of communication skills will be explored to ensure students are well-equipped.PURPOSE Equip learners with knowledge, skills and understanding of concepts, and attitudes required in conducting effective communication, negotiation and business report writing.LEARNING OUTCOMES Learners are equipped with knowledge and skills in conducting successful negotiations and effective information generation and communication, preparation and production of business records and report writing.
Certificate in Loss Control and Management Part 1
    About Lesson


    General Learning Outcome: Understanding Accounting System.

    Specific learning outcomes: On completion of this unit the trainee is expected to be able to understand:
    1. Introduction to Accounting Principles
    2. The double-entry system
    3. Books of Accounts
    4. Accounting Documents
    5. Cash Book

    Learning conditions: The learner must have access to:
    • Library
    • Lecturer notes
    • Video clips where necessary
    Learning Activities: The trainer must ensure that the learning activities include the following:
    ▪ The Purpose of Accounting
    ▪ Define Accounting.
    ▪ Outline of the Accounting equation.
    ▪ Elements of the Accounting Equation.
    ▪ Capital
    ▪ Assets
    ▪ Liabilities.
    ▪ The Double Entry System
    ▪ The concept of the double-entry system
    ▪ Posting to the ledger
    ▪ Balancing Off Accounts.
    ▪ Books of Accounts.
    ▪ Principal Books
    ▪ Subsidiary Books
    ▪ Accounting Documents
    ▪ Sources Documents – invoices, receipts
    ▪ Debit Note
    ▪ Credit Note
    ▪ Cash Book:
    ▪ Two-column Cash Book
    ▪ Three-column Cash Book

    Assessment methods: To achieve the stated outcomes students should be given:
    • Continuous assessment in the form of:
    ▪ End of module class assignments
    ▪ End of module self-assessment tests

    Assessment criteria:
    • Clear understanding of an Accounting equation demonstrated.
    • Proper posting to the ledger done and accounts balanced off.
    • Books of Accounts outlined and their uses.
    • Accounting documents identified.
    • Differentiate between two-column and three-column Cash Book.

    Recommended textbooks
    • Business Accounting 1, 10th Edition (Frank Wood and Sangster).
    • Business Accounting 1 Module, ICLM.

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