General Learning Outcome: Understanding Accounting System.
Specific learning outcomes: On completion of this unit the trainee is expected to be able to understand:
1. Introduction to Accounting Principles
2. The double-entry system
3. Books of Accounts
4. Accounting Documents
5. Cash Book
Learning conditions: The learner must have access to:
• Library
• Lecturer notes
• Video clips where necessary
Learning Activities: The trainer must ensure that the learning activities include the following:
▪ The Purpose of Accounting
▪ Define Accounting.
▪ Outline of the Accounting equation.
▪ Elements of the Accounting Equation.
▪ Capital
▪ Assets
▪ Liabilities.
▪ The Double Entry System
▪ The concept of the double-entry system
▪ Posting to the ledger
▪ Balancing Off Accounts.
▪ Books of Accounts.
▪ Principal Books
▪ Subsidiary Books
▪ Accounting Documents
▪ Sources Documents – invoices, receipts
▪ Debit Note
▪ Credit Note
▪ Cash Book:
▪ Two-column Cash Book
▪ Three-column Cash Book
Assessment methods: To achieve the stated outcomes students should be given:
• Continuous assessment in the form of:
▪ End of module class assignments
▪ End of module self-assessment tests
Assessment criteria:
• Clear understanding of an Accounting equation demonstrated.
• Proper posting to the ledger done and accounts balanced off.
• Books of Accounts outlined and their uses.
• Accounting documents identified.
• Differentiate between two-column and three-column Cash Book.
Recommended textbooks
• Business Accounting 1, 10th Edition (Frank Wood and Sangster).
• Business Accounting 1 Module, ICLM.